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About Nore Therapies

Delia Lowery B.Sc.Biochem, Dip.Herb, NMT, ITEC, CIBTEC

Delia Lowery - Qualified Massage Therapist

Hi, my name is Delia Lowery, a qualified massage therapist for 16 years and owner of Nore Therapies.

I was born in the historic 1066 town of Hastings in England, though I generally call home Ballinrobe, in Co. Mayo. I grew up beside Lough Mask, playing GAA football like most kids in Ireland and cycling around the lakes in my spare time.

I moved to Kilkenny 11 years ago and some might know me from the local theatre groups in town, a familiar face on the Watergate stage between singing and acting.
I originally began my career in the science field as a biochemist, and then life took me on a sweet journey. I became a mom in 2003 and now have 3 beautiful children. Becoming a mother opened my eyes and challenged me in various ways, specifically on how we handle our health, both physically and mentally, and how others manage our health.

I originally studied massage whilst on "maternity leave" from my science degree, in an effort to keep my brain ticking over with a subject I loved, anatomy. I realised over time that it was more than just a passing fad, it was something I could use to help people, and a career I could work around my "mom" schedule. My interest in natural ways to care for my family without pharmaceuticals led me to study reiki and herbal medicine, as well as draw on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), ayurvedic medicine and western medicine methodologies.

I've recently completed Kinetic cranial therapy, Chinese facial diagnostics and Neuromuscular therapy. Ever since I can remember, having an in-depth understanding of the human body has excited and intrigued me.

It is very important to me that everything I do and advise on is something I have personally used myself. You are in safe hands. I look forward to connecting with you soon!